From May 8 - 25 we visited the Philippines first time. Due to uncountable recommendations we decided to stay in Sabang near Puerto Galera at Mindoro Island. We started our trip in Frankfurt and flew within 15 hrs. via Bangkok to Manila. There we were picked up and guided within 5 hrs. to our accomodation “Garden of Eden”, a small and nice resort with affiliated Scuba Diving center. Our rooms were clean and equiped with some comfortable things like air condition, refridgerator and fan. To reach the Scuba Diving center it took only 2 minutes walk. The briefing was very detailed and after 2 days we checked out the right dive guides who were specialized to support us underwater videographers. The underwater world showed a wide range of marine life we saw before. Frogfish in different colors, Blue Ribbon Eels, Cuttlefish, Seahorses, Ghostpipe Fish, Razor Fish and much more we discovered at nearly every dive especially at the house reef. A true paradise for Scuba video and photo enthusiastics who are focussed to the smaller things in the marine world. But like any other paradise also this one is starting to become damaged by increasing business of hotels, restaurants and Scuba Diving centers. Due to very cheap promotions plenty of divers come to Sabang to spend their holiday there. This time there must be around 50 hotels and Scuba Diving centers offering their services. Due to this impact the environment especially underwater was taking damage because no purification plant was still available. Very important is to protect your ears with special ear drops to prevent infections because the sea is rich of bacteriums. But nevertheless you won’t be disappointed while Scuba Diving and you should not miss to join one or more dives while staying at Sabang. The temperature under water is 29°C and 30 - 34°C above water. Sometimes you’ll have some rain but -don’t worry- you’ll even get wet while diving! Especially enthusiastics of marine life in macro size will get amazed due to the variety of animals but you shouldn’t expect to meet bigger ones like sharks, Manta Rays, etc.!
Waterfall nearby Puerto Galera
Mindoro Island
Native inhabitants, the “Mangyan”
are living in simple cottages...
...and are very shy
Wild bananas
Great scenic view from hill nearby
“Puerto Galera”, Mindoro Island
On our way through the reef we...
...discovered impressive corals.
Mantis Shrimp
White Mouth Moray
Blue Ribbon eels are born as a
male with a black colored skin
Color and sex will change
when becoming a female.
Sea snakes are very poison and...
...always looking for next meal.
Frogfish can be discovered in all varities and...
...colors. They are well camouflaged and...
...lurk motionless on corals. It’s rare to... them moving. Their perfect...
...camouflage is the product of adaption of...
...their colour and structure within...
...their current environment
Anemone Shrimp
You’ll meet nudibranchs in many...
...different types and colours... every dive. Especially...
...neon colours shall discourage predators.
Most species...
...are inedible...
...and some are very poisonous.
Poisonus spines is the distinctive
mark of the Lion Fish,...
...the Spiny Leaf Fish,...
...the Bearded Scorpionfish and...
...Stone Fish. They all are member of...
...the family of Scorpion Fish.
Sepias can change...
...their outlook very quick...
...what’s good to compare at this...
...amazing little “Flamboyant Sepia”.
This species is very rare... get to see even in the Philippines.
Striped Shrimp Fish
Different types of...
...Ghost Pipe Fish are part...
...of the daily underwater program.
Even sea horses can be seen very often...
...but not the 8mm large Pymae Sea Horse.
This species lives at corals in a depth below 30 m.
Farewell was not quite easy!
Scubamovie - Bilder, Filme und Berichte von Tauchreisen, Tauchen, Film, Video, DVD, Filmproduktion, Produktion, Unterwasserfilm, Tauchfilm, Dokumentarfilm, Naturfilm, Reisefilm, Unterwasserfilmfestival, Bericht, Foto, Videoclip, Tauchreisen, Scuba Diving, scuba diving film, dive film, film production, underwater film, documentary film, travel film, underwater film festival, report, foto, video clip, dive destination, dive location, filmen, Produktion von Unterwasserfilmen, Unterwasservideo, Thailand, Fiji, Tahiti, Philippinen, Philippines, Indonesien, Indonesia, underwater video, underwater film, Unterwasserfoto, Unterwasserbilder, underwater picture, underwater foto, scuba diving video