From October 25 - November 18, 2000 we visited the warm and sunny region of South Pacific again. Our first destination were the Cook Islands where we discovered the main island Rarotonga above and under water. But Scuba Diving is not too recommendable there due to bad visibility and less corals. This was the main reason why we left the Cook Isands one week later to fly over to Fiji Islands. Our first destination was Kadavu Island 150 km south of Viti Levu, the main island of Fiji. The Dive Kadavu Resort was specialized for Scuba Divers. We had two guided tank dives in the morning and enough time for relaxing and sunbathing in the afternoon. About that we had great experience to listen to traditional Polynesian music and to enjoy delicious food. The basic food was mainly fish and seafood. There we had the best Sashimi we ever had before. But also the dive spots were great because they are on the list of the most famous destinations in the world. Just only the Astrolabe Reef, a barriere reef ahead of Kadavu was so large that we hadn’t enough time to visit all sites. We saw Manta Rays and Reef Sharks but the most variety we had in the macro size of marine life like Ghostpipefish, diverse nudibranchs, shrimp fish and the very shy Blue Ribbon Eel. Our third and last destination was Mokusigas Island, 10 km to the north of main island Viti Levu. There was only one hotel called Mokusigas Island Resort. The dive sites there were a little bit more roughly than around Kadavu because they were not protected by a barriere reef. This was also the reason for the bad visibility up to 15 m. But we had a lot of caves and tunnels. Either we had a lot of small sized marine life but not the bigger ones. The water temperature was between 26°C and 28°C and the air temperature between 27°C in the night and up to 34°C during the day.
Arrival at Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Polynesians in costumes
Christian festival at Cook Islands
Kadavu Dive Resort, Fiji
A small Gecko...
...welcomed us curious
Sunset at Kadavu Island, Fiji
Manta Ray
Giant Sea Fan
Cave Diving
Red Fire Gobies
Harlekin Ghostpipe Fish
(center of the picture with head to the bottom)
Blue Ribbon Eel
Magnificient Partner Shrimp
Wart Slug
Private beach of Kadavu Dive Resort
Enjoy the taste of Kava
During a visit of a Fijian village we...
...received a variety of...
...traditional music...
Farewell from village kids
Daily markets of Fiji
Farewell from Mokusigas Island, Fiji
Farewell song
Departure in the evening
Scubamovie - Bilder, Filme und Berichte von Tauchreisen, Tauchen, Film, Video, DVD, Filmproduktion, Produktion, Unterwasserfilm, Tauchfilm, Dokumentarfilm, Naturfilm, Reisefilm, Unterwasserfilmfestival, Bericht, Foto, Videoclip, Tauchreisen, Scuba Diving, scuba diving film, dive film, film production, underwater film, documentary film, travel film, underwater film festival, report, foto, video clip, dive destination, dive location, filmen, Produktion von Unterwasserfilmen, Unterwasservideo, Thailand, Fiji, Tahiti, Philippinen, Philippines, Indonesien, Indonesia, underwater video, underwater film, Unterwasserfoto, Unterwasserbilder, underwater picture, underwater foto, scuba diving video