From August 15 - 22, 2000 we spent some time in Dahab again. It is located at the Gulf of Aquaba on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The hotel ”Lagona Village” also includes a Scuba Diving center called “Lagona Divers”. The entire resort was well organized and satisfied almost everything the brochure promised. About the center of Dahab please read our report from March 1999. Scuba Diving was still great and the temperature of the water was about 27°Celsius. A 3 mm neoprene was just enough to protect the body.
Start up to next dive trip
To special destinations on a camel
Start diving
Seagrass Ghost Pipefish
School of “Yellow Sweeper”
Brown Marbled Grouper
Then we went down and ...
... left the “Canyon” at a depth of 31m.
Green Sea Turtle
Totally relaxed...
...we were gliding....
...through the “Gulf of Aquaba”
Memorial tablets at “Blue Hole”(105m)...
...reminds to precaution
Carpet Flathead
Red Sea Garden Eels
A lionfish is hunting
Dottyback Fish
White-Spotted Puffer Fish
End of a dive
We took every route for a good dive
Aprés Dive
Scubamovie - Bilder, Filme und Berichte von Tauchreisen, Tauchen, Film, Video, DVD, Filmproduktion, Produktion, Unterwasserfilm, Tauchfilm, Dokumentarfilm, Naturfilm, Reisefilm, Unterwasserfilmfestival, Bericht, Foto, Videoclip, Tauchreisen, Scuba Diving, scuba diving film, dive film, film production, underwater film, documentary film, travel film, underwater film festival, report, foto, video clip, dive destination, dive location, filmen, Produktion von Unterwasserfilmen, Unterwasservideo, Thailand, Fiji, Tahiti, Philippinen, Philippines, Indonesien, Indonesia, underwater video, underwater film, Unterwasserfoto, Unterwasserbilder, underwater picture, underwater foto, scuba diving video